Unofficial title: "I'm not a vocaloid producer, you know" ft flower by seaslugasaurus
also the description is "嘘です": "This is a lie"
original translation (Jul 21, 2024)
ぼく ボカロPじゃないのよI'm not a vocaloid producer, you know ちょっと勘違いなんてやめてよso quit getting that wrong ぼく ボカロPじゃないのよI'm not a vocaloid producer, ちょっと話を聞いてjust listen to what I have to say て→え↓[trailing vocalizations, "-iiyei r smth"]
知識無いのにI know nothing about it, 音楽やりたくなってbut now I wanna make music 歌うまくないのにI'm not really good at singing, 良いマイクを買ってbut I still went and bought a good mic
新品ギター欲しいI wanna new guitar 新品ギター欲しいA brand-new guitar かっけーギター欲しいI wanna cool guitar かっけーギター欲しいA really cool guitar な(新品ギター欲しい)'na' (I wanna cool guitar) (新品ギター欲しい)(A really cool guitar) 新品ギター買っちゃったI've bought a new guitar
ゲーム用のPCにI took my gaming PC DTM入れた。and installed a DAW on it ギターよくわかんない。And I'm not great at guitar, 教室に通った。so I started taking classes
そういう障壁がAnd barriers like that 少しずつあるのがkept popping up イヤになったand I started to get annoyed
特に歌に関してはAnd I know that そんな上手く無い↑I'm not great at music, でもこんな世界But in this world 上手い歌しかonly great music 流行らないじゃない↑ever gets popular
そんな感じでThat's the idea そんな感じ↑でThat's what I was thinking 一旦ボカロにSo just once, 歌ってもらってるI handed my song to a vocaloid
だけだからand that was all, so-
ボカロPじゃないのよI'm not a vocaloid producer, いつかこの歌も歌うからYeah someday I'll sing this song ぼく ボカロPじゃないのよI'm not a vocaloid producer, 明日 この歌うたうからI'll get to singing it tommorrow ぼく ボカロPじゃないのよI'm not a vocaloid producer, いつか今までの歌歌うからI'll sing every song I've made, at some point ぼく ボカロPじゃないのよI'm not a vocaloid producer, 明日 この歌うたうからI'll get to singing this tommorrow
Translations can be copied, edited, whatever so long as "raspberryjamn" shows up somewhere. ty!